Thursday, November 20, 2008

making changes

Ok. I am not completely sure what I was thinking when I decided "hey, i'll start a blog!" however, now I'm thinking this can be a good thing.

I'm about to take a semester off from college. My hope is to make some changes. Get out here for a while. Go off by myself. I feel like I have so much to figure out about myself, and in order to do that, I need to get away from everything I've known my entire life. I started that this past summer when I moved to Dallas for 2 and a half months, but August came and ended that much too soon. Now, maybe leaving is not the only way this can be done, but why not take the chance now? I'm young. If I keep saying "I'll do it later" will the time ever come? I don't think so.

I have no idea where God is going to take me or even if the Bolivia thing will work out. I've started filling out my application, and I look at the blog of the director of the orphanage nearly every single day. My heart is pretty much set on going there after all the pictures and posts I've seen about these children and babies in Bolivia. I get so excited every time I see something I could potentially get to be apart of. The kids are SO precious. I want to go to this orphanage! Now to just get my parents on board with it....THAT is a real challenge.

I'm also filling out an application to go through Southern Cross Humanitarian to do a volunteer/internship with them at this orphanage that is in Peru. I've been wanting to go to this particular orphanage for about 2 and a half years now. But that one may have to wait until after I finally graduate college. It is more expensive, and I think I'd want to go for longer than a semester+summer. I don't know. This one seems a bit more intimidating. And while I'd like to say "bring it on!" it scares me to death! Which...might be the point. Hmm..I don't know.

Anyway, this semester is nearly over. Only 4 more days of class and then finals. Thank the Lord. This has been one AWFUL semester. Not even class wise. They weren't that bad (maybe because I didn't go to half of them? haha) It's just been crazy and hectic. So glad that school will be off of my radar soon..if only for a short while.

That's all I've got for the first post. More to come :)

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