Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Being comfortable
So I work for my family at a collection agency - which is actually pretty fun (mostly because I don't have to get on the phone and cold call people with cancer telling them to pay their bills or else). I mostly do office work and make sure the money coming in is posted correctly and taken to the bank. So anyway, that's the background. Pretty much every single day I come across something that is done a certain way simply because it has always been done that way. Whoever did my job before me had really crappy organizational skills. It drives me crazy. There is no rhyme or reason to why it's being done that way - it's just because that's the way it has always been done. No one has questioned it or attempted to change it because it would take up time and effort to come up with a different system and change things. No one has put the effort into it because they haven't thought that the outcome could be much better. (I promise I have a point!)
This got me thinking today about how we live our lives. Every one of us has something in our lives like this. Friends, church, family, whatever. We so often do this in our lives. We get comfortable. We make decisions because we don't like change. Change is scary. But we avoid it because it's too much work and takes too much time to figure out a different way. And we're told over and over again that it's up to us. That no one can change you but yourself. That is a total lie that we take hold of and use as an excuse for not changing. Changing is hard and you can't do it alone. And if you try, you'll fail. Every time. God is the only one that can make it happen. How this slips our minds even with all the times He's been faithful, I'll never understand.
I'm so guilty of this - and I never even really thought about it. But God has made me realize many things about myself recently. Change is a necessity. I can't keep things the way they are. I can't remain comfortable. I can't make decisions just because it is how I've always done things and takes too much work to change. Change hurts and quite frankly, the process sucks. But when did God ever tell us we were going to live pain free lives? Can't find that verse anywhere. The point of being a Christian was never so that we could have perfect lives - the point is to glorify Him in all that we do - no matter what.
Hard lesson to learn.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Woman's life in danger after a chimp attack
side note: i figured out how to do links! woo!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
British Gym Replaces Dumbbells With Human Weights
Friday, January 23, 2009 |
Reuters- A gym member does some exercises for photographers using human weights at a Gymbox gym in London.
A British gym is trying to add human interest to otherwise dreary workouts by replacing traditional dumbbell weights with human ones.
The Gymbox chain gym in central London says fitness enthusiasts can now swap their usual lumps of metal for human beings in a range of shapes and sizes.
According to the gym's owner Richard Hilton, it's all about visualizing strength.
"Creating a mental image or intention of what you want to happen or feel is proven to improve physical and psychological performance," he said in a statement. "The human weight lifting apparatus ... is the ultimate embodiment of visualization theory.
The human weights range from the "Dainty Dwarf" 32-year-old Arti Shah, who weighs just 66 pounds up to the "Super Human" weight of 37-year-old — and 342 pound — Matt Barnard.
Are you kidding me?! What the heck?! Also, this is not the only news story on this thing...I googled this after I found this story to see who else did an article on it and found more! Nothing like a "little person" to brighten that workout. One of the other articles I read said that they sit there as your weight, but they also say encouraging things to help you along. Talk about some motivation to go to the gym - seriously, if ANY gym here had this, I'd join immediately.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
So we drove down to Fort Morgan to check out where the ferry comes in from Dauphine Island. My mom has always wanted to take the ferry across instead of going around - but in the last 14/15 years we have NEVER done it. We carried on that GRAND tradition and did not go for it this time either. I pretty much hate being over the water like that. I hate bridges too. I would have a panic attack on a ferry. Geez. we drive down to the Fort to check it out - usually I'm pretty thrilled about forts of any kind because I love history. This time was different though. First of all, it looks pretty creepy. Second of all, the lady taking the fees at the "gate" was strange and apparently doesn't know how to dress because every time the freakin wind blew you saw entirely too much (if you know what I mean. if not, count your blessings). Third, this lady acted like we were idiots. Fourth, she told us that some lady who tried to have a wedding at the fort got her dress all ripped up by stickers and burrs. She acted like we were just going to go roll around in the grass. As we drive off (from talking to her for like 10 minutes), she tells us "Be careful!!!" We simply laughed and said ok. And then proceeded to laugh about it some more as we walked to this little tunnel that enters the fort. (also making fun of her for saying it AND continuing to say "what the heck is going to attack us in here?!") So we go and look around the fort some...ya know check it out..all the while still laughing at the creepster lady at the gate. We then determine that this fort is no longer worth our valuable time and decide to head back to the car. We come out of the tunnel, and in effort to see where the beach actually is in relation to the fort, Mom climbs the hill that is on top of the tunnel to get a better look. Beth and I followed suit. Keep in mind we are still laughing at the "be careful!!" comment. And making comments about how that lady was crazy because we still haven't discovered any stickers. And then we hear Beth yell "OUCH!" Mom and I then proceed to laugh at her. (we really do love each other I promise) I turn around to check out what the heck she is yelling about and see this gigantic burr-like sticker. I still have no idea what to call it. It was about the size of a gumball with HUGE spikes sticking up out of it. One had gotten stuck on her flip flop. Which means it stabbed her foot. Just as I am saying "wow never saw that at all" I look at the ground to check my feet and see TONS of these things. Everywhere. They were slightly hidden in the grass so apparently that's why we didn't see them on the way up. Mom decides the best plan is to just bolt down the hill. Beth and I are super cautious the entire way down while Mom laughs about her "genius" idea. Beth and I escape (FINALLY) and we all dash to the car like these ginormous burrs are chasing us (I know. we are strange). As we are driving back by the crazy lady's station, we opt for not telling her she was completely right about being careful. About 2 seconds later my mom yells out "oh my gosh it's alive!!!!!!" and then screams and screams. She had about 5 stuck in her shoes. She honestly thought they were alive. Almost ran us off the road in her freak out. It was hilarious. I truly wish I had videoed that because it was priceless. So then a midget helped us out.**
I love my family. We are just really smart, I tell ya.
**Ok this story wasn't as funny written down as it was in person. We really did laugh about it for a while. I actually still think it's funny. But I think maybe it's because I was present for it? Anyway...I have found that any lame story needs to be followed with "then I found 5 bucks" or "then we saw/spoke with/got help from a midget" It just makes the story seem worth something. haha.
P.S. - In no way do I intend to offend little people by using the word midget in my story. I just like the word.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ok, maybe it's not that bad. but it is really depressing. It's set in the 1950's and it's about this man, Frank and this woman, April. They are both unhappy before they ever met each other. April had parents who left her when she was like 3. And she only says she loves her parents because she says she loved when they came to visit - how the heck is that love?! Anyway, then she decides she loves Frank because he's nice. They get married. And have the unhappiest marriage known to man. It is probably the most depressing book I have ever read. They do manage to have 2 children. Who actually seem pretty sweet. But even that is depressing because their parents fight the majority of the time, and when they aren't fighting they aren't speaking to each other. It's ridiculous.
Not only is the story awful, but the writing is strange too. Yates jumps around an insane amount of times. It doesn't flow even in a little way. For example, the sentence starts off with Frank waking up on the couch at 2 in the afternoon completely hung over from drinking the entire night because he was so depressed to suddenly being in the past when Frank met April. I admit a little randomness is ok in a book. I enjoy it with some authors because they do it right, but Yates just seems like he doesn't know what he's doing with this book.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'll end up loving this book in the end. Probably not because I know that April kills herself. From the very beginning of the book you know that is going to happen. It's never stated. There is just a mass amount of foreshadowing. So probably in the end I'll feel just as unsatisfied with this book as I do right now. And I'm only halfway through.
One thing that I did manage to learn so far - marriage is too serious to settle for something other than what God has for you just because you want to have someone. So good lesson...except I knew that just got enforced from this massively depressing book.
Man, this post makes me sound like a major book nerd/worm. Which I am. Welcome to my world.
Also, I suck at blogging. I think of things to say and then forget about it later on when I finally get on the computer. I had one saved that I was working on, and I DELETED it on accident today. I have no idea how it happened. The cat was trying to sit on the computer. Because he's weird and he likes to do that so you will only pay attention to him. Somewhere in that insanity, the post got deleted. Maybe tomorrow I'll get around to re-doing it.
Eh, probably not. Too bad you will never know the wisdom of that post. Sad day, folks.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Much has happened in the last few weeks - My sister got engaged! So my house is filled with wedding talk. and a whole lot of it. She's doing a beach wedding so it'll be REALLY fun! We're all super excited. BUT...this puts a tiny bit of a damper on my semester off because I now have NOOOO idea what the heck I'm going to do. The wedding is in June and I'm the maid of honor. Plus, I really really really don't want to miss out on all the planning and stuff because there is a lot that needs to be done and just a lot I want to be here for. I mean, my sister only gets married once (well...she better! haha) So, Bolivia is kind of out I've decided. Which sucks. But after a lot of thought, that just isn't an option for THIS semester. God and I have had lots of talks about it, and I feel like that maybe that just means that He's got a better plan for me. And maybe I have more to learn before I can take that big step and go out of the country to a completely new enviroment for 6 months. Who knows - MAYBE He wants me to have a different experience there than I would have had this time. Either way, I've come to terms with the fact that Bolivia is not His plan for me for this semester.
However, this leaves me in a predicament considering I want this break from school. I've considered starting at Tech in March when they start their spring quarter. I had already pretty much decided I wasn't going back to I may as well make the transfer now. But if another opportunity comes up - I'd love to not go ahead and start in March. I don't know that just January and February are enough of a break for me! haha! I don't know...what I'd really love to do is go somewhere that is not here and work or maybe even just do some type of mission work here. I don't know. My eyes and ears are open for opportunities!
Much more has happened and I have a lot of other things I want to blog about, but this is the main focus right now - finding an opportunity for this semester!